A list of currently known schools and organizations using and supporting Agile in the Classroom. (If you know of any other educational organizations using agile, please let us know, we would like to make contact and ideally collaborate).
Agile for Ed, USA
Agile for Ed is a consultancy that works with individuals and schools to leverage agility for learning.
NEW COURSE: Agile for Ed Mindset Shifts
The Agile in Education Compass, USA
The Agile in Education Compass is a group of agilists working in education created this graphic at their inaugural meeting in 2016. See also a video explanation.
Agile in Education USA
Agile in Education USA is a Facebook page dedicated to helping educators adopt agile for the classroom.
Agile School Leadership, Australia
Agile Schools and Agile School Leadership – Training for school administrators in the agile mindset by Simon Breakspear.
Agile Classrooms, USA
Agile Classrooms created by John Miller, has been working with schools interested in agility and scrum since introducing scrum to class at Hope High School in 2011. All materials on his website are licensed under Creative Commons.
Agile Classrooms, Spain
Agile Classrooms provides consulting for schools interested in agility. Contact: Javier Pecci Jimenez at pecci@agileclassrooms.org.
The Agile Educator, USA
A blog and resources for agile in the classroom hosted by Erin Hill. The Agile Educator.
The Agile Mind, USA
The Agile Mind, run by educators Jessica Cavallaro and Roslynn Jackson, gives concrete examples of agile practices in school, informed by L-EAF and eduScrum. Here is an example training.
Capital One Agile for Learners Volunteer Program, USA
The Capital One Agile for Learners Volunteer program will hold monthly Meet Ups for administrators, teachers, and interested parties to share how to use Agile principles in our schools. Join this Meetup group.
EDgility, Switzerland
EDgility is a set of classroom practices to help pull agile into education. EDgility was written by Paul Magnuson, Bill Tihen, Nic Cosgrove and Dan Patton. Other teachers of the Leysin American School have been applying an agile mindset to education since 2014.
eduScrum, Netherlands
eduScrum was started by Willy Wijnands, a retired chemistry teacher, began adopting scrum for his high school class in 2011. eduScrum is perhaps the most widely known application of scrum to education, with affiliations in over 30 countries.
Future Learning Design, France
Innovative, agile infused education with a compilation of agile in education resources on Trello.
Iowa Big, USA
Iowa Big is an initiative to support real student projects with partners in the community. Iowa Big has held training in agility for its membership.
The Learning - Educational Agile Framework aims to improve educational systems and organizations through agile thinking and practices.
Learnlife, Spain
The mission at Learnlife is no less than “building an open ecosystem for a new lifelong learning paradigm to positively change education worldwide.” While not specifically referencing agile, the organization is infused with agile values.
Lightschools, Netherlands
Lightschools is a new initiative, co-founded by the originator of eduScrum, to teach and learn with an agile mindset.
The Modern Classrooms Project, USA
The Modern Classroom Project makes no overt claims about being agile, but their self-paced, mastery learning model provides a good example of what an agile infused classroom might be like.
Practoraat Cloud Engineering, Netherlands
Practoraat Cloud Engineering is experimenting with agile in education, design thinking, and scrum.
Peak Challenges, Switzerland
Peak Challenges is a set of student activities to support teacher training in the agile mindset, with blogs and other resources.
School of Scrum, USA
School of Scrum is a network for scrum masters and agile enthusiasts in the classroom.
Scrum@School, Netherlands
Scrum@School is a direct translation of scrum for K-12 (and university) based in the Netherlands.
Scrum Alliance, USA
Scrum Alliance was founded in 2001, the mission of Scrum Alliance is “to create workplaces that are joyful, prosperous, and sustainable.” They have been supportive of agile in education for several years and began the creation of the Agile Certified Educator (ACE) in 2019.
Scrum in School, USA
Scrum in School was started by Mike Vizdos, who trains teachers at K-12 and university levels to be certified ScrumMasters.
Teachers Who Scrum, USA
Teachers Who Scrum is a forum on Facebook for teachers and others using scrum in schools.
Thrively, USA
Thrively is a unique and inexpensive tool to help students manage their own learning, putting them in charge of their strengths and weaknesses, their goals and plans, and what they would like to learn most.